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Eyebrows Restoration Treatment


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Happiness for eyebrows is an eyebrow restoration procedure which has a unique formula: it restores, nourishes, moisturizes, stimulates hair growth, adds shine, improves colour fastness and restores after  damage.


Keratin – restores the structure of the hair.
Biotin is a Vitamin E – improves the condition of the skin and hair.
Silk – it gives softness to hair
Amla – it stimulates hair growth, antioxidant
Camellia – it adds shine
Jojoba – helps to strengthen hair and improve skin elasticity
Ceramide – it restores colour
Collagen – moisturizes, heals.
Hyaluronic acid – improves the structure of the skin.
Goji – relieves skin irritation, tones the skin.

The result is visible after the first application of happiness for the eyebrows, instant effect. Gives the hairs a special elasticity, restores the natural state, strength, obedience. Growth and density are dramatically accelerated. Ideal for weak, dry, coloured, as well as damaged hairs; weakened, dormant bulbs; overdried, problematic skin of the eyebrows.

How to use:

Mix in a 1:1 ratio with water at room temperature, in a non-metal container. Mix thoroughly until a white creamy consistency is formed.

Apply to cleansed eyebrows. Happiness for eyebrows is applied only to clean hair.

The exposure time of the composition is 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, cover the eyebrows with brow wrap.

After 10-15 minutes, remove thoroughly with water.

Do not keep the composition for longer than 15 minutes.

The procedure can be performed after any tint, dye, henna or brow lamination treatment. It can also be used as a stand alone service.
as well as to restore damaged or dry eyebrows.


– The composition does not need to be heated or add hot water to it
– Repeat the procedure every 2-4 weeks
– The maximum result is achieved after 2-3 applications within 2 months